
This CD-Rom is the result of the valuable collaboration of various institutions and researchers, to whom we are extremely grateful:

  • CEPED, particularly André Quesnel, for his continuous support and encouragement during the undertaking of this project, and in organizing the special session during which the first version of this text was presented at the “25th International Population Conference” organized by the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population,” held in Tours, France, in July 2005.
  • Guadalupe Salas (Mexico) for her participation in the drafting of the first version of the CD.
  • Lucía Rayas, (Mexico) for her collaboration in the final version of two chapters of the final version of the CD.
  • Juan Carlos Hernández Lemus (Mexico) for his support and commitment in drafting and copyediting some of the chapters in the final version in Spanish.
  • Our colleagues from various research centers, nongovernmental organizations and foundations, both regional and national, that undertook diverse activities linked to the issue of abortion in the countries in the region. Their critical comments and suggestions for the first version and in particular, their contributions in the form of documents, reviews and information from their respective countries enabled the overview offered in this publication to fully document the knowledge about this issue in various countries in the region. We would also like to thank them for their valuable collaboration in completing the bibliographical reference base. We are particularly grateful to: Elsa López (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina), María Isabel Baltar de Rocha (Núcleo de Estudios de Población, Unicamp, Brazil), Cristina Villarreal and Margoth Mora (Fundación Oriéntame, Colombia), Maria Mercedes Lafaurie (Freelance Consultant, Colombia), Luisa Álvarez (Instituto Nacional de Endocrinología, Cuba), Sonia Catasus (Centro de Estudios Demográficos, Universidad de la Habana, Cuba), Virginia Gómez (Fundación Desafío/CEPAM, Ecuador), Susheela Sing (Guttmacher Institute, USA), Gail Pheterson (Social Science Faculty, University of Picardie, Jules Verne, France), Regina Isabel Fonseca (Centro de Derechos de la Mujer, Honduras), Leopoldo Núñez (Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias, UNAM, Mexico), Norma Ubaldi (Grupo de Información en Reproducción Elegida, AC, México), Marta María Blandón (Ipas, Nicaragua), Eyra Ruiz, Haydee Flores and Alba Mendoza (Centro de Investigaciones en Reproducción Humana, Panamá), Yamila Azize (Saludpromujer/Escuela de Medicina, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico), Ana Luisa Dávila (Centro de Investigaciones Sociales, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico), Susana Rostagnol (Instituto de Antropología, FHCE, Universidad de la República, Uruguay) and  Susanna Rance (CIDES-IMSA y Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia).
  • Pierre Chabert (France), for designing the bibliographical base for which the “GenIsisCD” computer program was used (CDS-ISIS documentary database publishing on CD-ROM), distributed free by UNESCO.
  • Stéphane Brabant (France) and Imedia (Senegal), for producing the CD-ROM dummies and design:
  • A Lorena Hernández Muñoz and Ricardo González for the edition, the design and the reproduction of the booklet that enclosed the CD-ROM
  •  Documentalists and librarians Francoise Gubry (Ceped, France), Isabelle Ambert (IRD, France), Camelia Romero (PIEM, Mexico) for their support in the identification and selection of materials from the various bibliographical bases on abortion. Special recognition is due to Clotilde Tejeda (COLMEX, Mexico) who also revised and supervised the search for the sources consulted and provided a list and full data on the latter. We would also like to thank Claudia de Anda (Mexico) for the classification of the materials consulted.
  • Lina Bassarsky (France) and Mario Martínez (Mexico), for their contribution in the final revision of the bibliographical reference base.
  • Adriana Rosales and Dasha Fernández (Mexico), for their support in the search for and elaboration of the materials used in some of the chapters in the first version.
  • María Isabel Heyser, Rodrigo José Parrini, Eufemio Franco and Olivia Martínez (Mexico), for compiling the empirical evidence used in the first version of various chapters.
  • Mariana Cervantes, Mario Martínez and Diego Santana (Mexico), for their collaboration in capturing the references from the bibliographical bases.
  • Daniel Ángel Correa Rojo for the photograph on the front cover.
  • Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir (Mexico) and Coordinación Regional Foro Red de Salud y Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos Xa.  Región de Los Lagos (Chile) for the photographs on the booklet.
  • Juliette Bonaffé and Suzanne Stehphens (México) for translating the texts in French and English, and Amanda Whitehead, for revising and editing in English.
  • Catherine Valton, IRD mapmaking service for producing the map.
  • The publishers of the journals, bibliographical bases and documentation centers quoted in the introduction for their authorization to use their documentary sources and bibliographical bases.
  • The Population Council, for giving us the opportunity to present the first version of the CD at the “2nd Research Meeting on Unwanted Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion, Public Health Challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean,” held in Mexico in August 2005.
  • The Foreign Affairs Secretariat (DGCID, France) for their financial support in undertaking this project.


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