
National Bureau of Statistics; Inc., Macro International

Tanzania Reproductive and Child Health Survey 1999
2000, Dar es Salaam, Calverton, National Bureau of Statistics, Macro International Inc, p. 169

Mots clés : Caractéristiques du ménage; EDS; Enquêtes; Fécondité; Nutrition; Planification familiale; Santé de l'enfant; Santé de la mère; VIH/SIDA
Pays : Afrique subsaharienne; Tanzanie

Résumé : Final reports are produced for most DHS surveys. Comprehensive survey results are published in the DHS Final Reports approximately 8-12 months after the completion of fieldwork. Standard reports are approximately 200 pages in length and include, but are not limited to, topics such as: household and respondent characteristics, fertility and family planning, maternal and child health, nutrition, and HIV/AIDS.

Site web : http://www.measuredhs.com/pubs/pub_details.cfm?ID=280&srchTp=ctry