
World Vision

Summary of OVC programming approaches
2002, Geneva, World Vision, p. 10 p.

Mots clés : Organisations non gouvernementale; Orphelins et enfants vulnérables; Programme; VIH/SIDA

Résumé : This document summarizes two approaches developed by World Vision to respond to the crisis of orphans and other highly vulnerable children (OVC) in HIV/AIDS-affected areas. Approach 1 covers introduction of OVC-focused programming to areas where World Vision is already implementing child sponsorship programs. Approach 2 involves initiation of new OVC-focused programming in areas where World Vision is not yet operational.

Site web : http://wvioaptus.wvi.org/africa.nsf/0/d540295eb185a41e43256ba300219f7d/$FILE/WV%20OVC%20Prog%20Summary%20-%204-15-02.doc; http://wvioaptus.wvi.org/africa.nsf/0/d540295eb185a41e43256ba300219f7d?OpenDocument&ExpandSection=9%2C2#_Section9