
Langer, Ana; García Barrios, Cecilia; Heimburger, Angela; Campero, Lourdes; Ortiz, O.; Díaz, Claudia; Barahona, Vilma; Ramírez, Francisca; Casas, Beatriz; Winikoff, Bervely

Si, se puede: como mejorar la calidad de la atencion post-aborto en un hospital publico. El caso de Oaxaca, México nbsp;- nbsp;[Yes, it can be done. How to improve the quality of post-abortion care in a public hospital. The case of Oaxaca, Mexico]
Langer, Ana; García Barrios, Cecilia; Heimburger, Angela; Campero, Lourdes; Ortiz, O.; Díaz, Claudia; Barahona, Vilma; Ramírez, Francisca; Casas, Beatriz; Winikoff, Bervely - 1998 - Documentos de Trabajo, No. 11;USAID Contract No. CCP-95-00-00007-00, New York New York, Population Council; Latin America and the Caribbean Operations Research and Technical Assistance in Family Planning and Reproductive Health [INOPAL], 45

Mots clés : classes sociales; éducation au planning familial; évaluation; facteurs économiques; facteurs socio-économiques; femme; hôpital; niveau de revenu; planification familiale; planning familial; programme; programme de développement; programme planification familiale; programme post-abortum; revenu; santé; service de santé; soins à l'accouchement
Pays / Régions : Amérique du Nord; Amérique latine; Mexique; Pays en développement

Résumé : An operations research project was conducted between June 1995 and December 1997 at the General Hospital Doctor Aurelio Valdivieso in Oaxaca, Mexico, to evaluate a program intended to improve the quality of postabortal care. The evaluation utilized pre-and post-tests to measure the effectiveness of the intervention, whose objectives were to modify hospital procedures to reduce waiting time, improve pain management, and assure patient privacy; train all medical personnel in correct use of vacuum aspiration as a substitute for instrumental curettage; train personnel in the importance of respectful and humane treatment of patients in the areas of providing information, psychological support, and counseling with emphasis on postabortal contraception; and design print materials to reinforce the messages. Largely as a result of adoption of manual endouterine aspiration under local anesthesia instead of instrumental curettage under general anesthesia, post procedure hospital stays declined by 7 hours and the total hospital stay was reduced by 10.6 hours. The quantity and quality of information provided to patients regarding their diagnosis, treatment, and postabortion care were significantly increased. Distribution of pamphlets and other materials in the hospital contributed significantly to the improvement. The number of patients who received family planning counseling increased by 86% after the intervention. The proportion of patients who accepted a family planning method increased from 29% to 57%. The proportion accepting reversible methods instead of tubal ligation increased substantially.

Notes : Español/espagnol/Spanish, nbsp;Abstract : Popline (http://db.jhuccp.org/popinform/basic.html) - PIP 153741