
Population Council; Latin America and the Caribbean Operations Research; Technical Assistance in Family Planning and Reproductive Health (INOPAL)

Estimating costs of post-abortion services, General Hospital Aurelio Valdivieso, Oaxaca, Mexico. Final report. INOPAL III
Population Council; Latin America and the Caribbean Operations Research; Technical Assistance in Family Planning and Reproductive Health (INOPAL) - 1998 - INOPAL III Working Papers; USAID, Washington (USA), INOPAL, 26

Mots clés : aspiration; avortement incomplet; avortement provoqué; contraception d'urgence; coût; coût efficacité; coûts; éducation au planning familial; évaluation; évaluation quantitative; méthodes expérimentales; méthodologie; planification familiale; planning familial; programme; programme planification familiale; programme post-abortum; qualité des soins; santé; service de santé; soins à l'accouchement
Pays / Régions : Amérique du Nord; Amérique latine; Mexique; Pays en développement

Résumé : This study assessed the cost and quality implications of a new service model for women seeking care for incomplete abortion with an explicit aim of quantifying the savings resulting from the use of the manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) procedure. It examines the complete costs of a postabortion service model while simultaneously addressing the issue of patient quality care. The service delivery model was implemented by the Aurelio Valdivieso General Hospital in Oaxaca, with support from the Population Council and the European Union. The objective of this model was to improve the postabortion quality of care while conserving resources by 1) modifying hospital procedures to reduce wasting time, to improve pain management, and to ensure patient privacy; 2) using the MVA technique when indicated; and 3) providing postabortion contraceptive counseling and providing educational material and contraceptives to patients. Findings showed that the improved service delivery model achieved significant cost savings and simultaneously improved quality of care for patients undergoing postabortion treatment. A 32% cost reduction in treating patients was achieved with the introduction of the service delivery model. Assuming an annual case load of 600 postabortion cases, the potential cost savings could reach US$50,550 per year. Moreover, significant improvements were noted in patient-physician interaction and information exchange. This nurtures trust between the provider and the patient, leading to increased compliance with provider recommendations and advice.

Notes : Inglés/anglais/English, nbsp;Abstract : Popline (http://db.jhuccp.org/popinform/basic.html) - PIP 136514