Article de revue

Blanchard, Kelly; Winikoff, Bervely; Ellertson, Charlotte

Misoprostol used alone for the termination of early pregnancy. A review of the evidence
Blanchard, Kelly; Winikoff, Bervely; Ellertson, Charlotte - 1999 - Contraception, 59, 4, 209-17

Mots clés : avortement provoqué; biologie; contraception d'urgence; éducation au planning familial; médicament abortif; misoprostol; physiologie; planification familiale; planning familial; prostaglandines; revue de la littérature

Résumé : Studies have been conducted to examine the potential of misoprostol alone for early termination of pregnancy. These studies were done by Norman et al. (1991), Creinin and Vittinghoff (1994), Bugalho et al. (1996), Koopersmith and Mishell (1996), Carbonell et al. (two studies: 1997, 1998), and Jain et al. (1998). The designs, population sampling methods and regimens varied from study to study. Thus, comparison of results has been difficult. Overall, though, findings indicate that a misoprostol-alone regimen could be safe and effective as a method of medical abortion. This regimen could greatly improve access to safe medical abortion services for women in developing countries, which in turn would lead to a significant reduction in maternal mortality.

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Notes : Inglés/anglais/English, nbsp;Abstract : Popline ( - popline PIP144106