Article de revue

Schiavon, Raffaela

Aborto médico: Alternativas terapéuticas actuales
Schiavon, Raffaela - 2003 - Gaceta Médica de México, 139, Suplemento 1, 55-63

Mots clés : avortement médicamenteux; cytotec; misoprostol; santé de la reproduction; santé reproductive

Résumé : In this review, we describe the most relevant aspects of the different pharmacologic alternatives for interruption of pregnancy, including their mechanisms of action, efficacy, potential side effects, complications, and medical contraindications, with special emphasis on indications and regimens of misoprostol. Advantages and disadvantages of medical methods, their acceptability among patients and health care providers, as well as their potential role in management of abortion, particularly in developing countries, are also discussed.

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