Article de revue

Women's Health Journal

Nicaragua and Chile. Defending reproductive choice
Women's Health Journal - 2003 - Women's Health Journal, 1, 4-10

Mots clés : adolescents; avortement provoqué; caractéristiques de la population; condition féminine; contraception d'urgence; crime; critique; demande d'avortement; droits de l'homme; droits reproductifs; éducation au planning familial; empowerment; évaluation; facteurs âge; facteurs démographiques; facteurs économiques; facteurs politiques; facteurs socio-économiques; féminisme; femme; femme enceinte; gouvernement; infections; infections génitales; jeunesse; législation de l'avortement; loi sur l'avortement; maladies; maladies sexuellement transmissibles; planification familiale; planning familial; population; problèmes sociaux; système politique; systèmes politiques; viol
Pays / Régions : Amérique centrale; Amérique du Nord; Amérique du Sud; Amérique latine; Chili; Costa Rica; Nicaragua; Pays en développement

Résumé : This section includes an interview with Marta Marfa Blandon and Lorna Norori, Nicaraguan psychologists and members of Nicaragua's Red de Mujeres contra la Violencia (Network ofWomen Against Violence). Marta Marfa and Lorna participated directly in the resolution of Rosita's case, which is emblematic of the struggle for the defense of women's human rights, the right to reproductive choice and the right to corporal and psychological integrity. We also include information about the recent consolidation of the Mesa Feminista sobre Aborto (Feminist Working Group on Abortion) in Chile. In this country, women are absolutely prohibited from accessing legal abortions even when their lives or health is endangered. A bill currently before the Chilean Senate would toughen this already restrictive law in direct opposition to Chilean public opinion. Despite the stigmatization of abortion, a high percentage of both women and men in Chile support women's right to reproductive choice. (excerpt)

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Notes : Inglés/anglais/English, nbsp;Abstract : Popline ( - PIP 185528