Article de revue

Briozzo, Leonel; Rodríguez, F.; León, I.; Vidiella, G.; Ferreiro, G.; Pons, J. E.

Unsafe abortion in Uruguay
Briozzo, Leonel; Rodríguez, F.; León, I.; Vidiella, G.; Ferreiro, G.; Pons, J. E. - 2004 - International Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics, 85, 1, 70-73

Mots clés : avortement provoqué; avortement spontané; caractéristiques de la population; causes de décès; complications de la grossesse; contraception d'urgence; éducation au planning familial; enquête rétrospective; études; facteurs démographiques; facteurs économiques; facteurs socio-économiques; femme enceinte; maladies; méthodologie; mortalité; mortalité maternelle; pauvreté; planification familiale; planning familial; population; santé; santé publique
Pays / Régions : Amérique du Sud; Amérique latine; Pays en développement; Uruguay

Résumé : We conducted a retrospective study of induced abortion as a cause of death in Uruguay for the period 1997-2001. Results show that although the maternal mortality rates of Uruguay are similar to those of developed countries, death from unsafe abortion is the main single contributor to that rate, and one of the highest in the world. For the lowest-income women, the absolute frequency of deaths due to this cause is considerably higher than for the rest of the nation's population. Maternal mortality is the most dramatic consequence of pregnancy-related complications. It is also the health indicator the most clearly related to inequity in the distribution of obstetric care. (excerpt)

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Notes : Inglés/anglais/English, nbsp;Abstract : Popline ( - PIP191351