Article de revue

Artuz, Manuel Antonio; Restrepo, Humberto

El aborto inducido. Una visión histórica de su manejo
Artuz, Manuel Antonio; Restrepo, Humberto - 2002 - Colombia Médica, 33, 2, 65-71

Mots clés : avortement provoqué; médicament abortif

Résumé : The induced abortion is a problem of Interest for the world public health, so much in the countries where the laws allow it like in those where the procedure is practiced in secret form. The present article is the result of a bibliographical revision of the methods more commonly employees in the induction of the abortion in the last 50 years, comparing them with the methods used at the present time, analyzing its risks and complications to short and I release term, trying to systematize and to modernize the knowledge that one has in this respect.

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