Article de revue

Espinoza, Henry; Ellertson, Charlotte; García, Sandy; Schiavon, Raffaela; Langer, Ana

Medicamentos para la interrupción de la gestación: una revisión de la literatura y sus posibles implicaciones para México y América Latina nbsp;- nbsp;[Medical methods for pregnancy termination. A review of literature and its potential role in Mexico and Latin America]
Espinoza, Henry; Ellertson, Charlotte; García, Sandy; Schiavon, Raffaela; Langer, Ana - 2002 - Gaceta Médica de México, 138, 4, 347-56

Mots clés : avortement médicamenteux; grossesse non désirée; methotrexate; mifepristone; misoprostol
Pays / Régions : Amérique latine; Mexique

Résumé : In this document, we review the relevant aspects of the different medical methods of abortion. We describe the principal medical regimens currently used in North America, Europe, and a growing number of developing countries. We also describe specific treatment regimens (which usually involve a combination of two drugs), physiological methods of action, potential side effects and complications, method requirements, including follow-up visits, any existing contraindication, and acceptability of these methods among patients. Finally, we comment on the potential role of medical abortion in Mexico and throughout Latin America.

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Notes : Español/espagnol/Spanish, nbsp;12200879