
International Projects Assistance Services (IPAS)

Ipas's vision. Protecting women's health, advancing women's reproductive rights
International Projects Assistance Services (IPAS) - 2002, New york, IPAS, 12

Mots clés : avortement à risque; avortement illégal; avortement provoqué; communication; contraception d'urgence; déterminants; droits de l'homme; droits reproductifs; éducation au planning familial; femme; organisations; organisations non gouvernementales; plaidoyer; planification familiale; planning familial; santé de la femme; santé des femmes; service de santé; soins à l'accouchement; taux d'avortement à risque
Pays / Régions : Afrique; Amérique du Nord; Amérique latine; Caraïbe; Europe; La Caraïbe; Monde

Résumé : All women deserve better access to high-quality reproductive health care, including abortion services, and all women should be able to make the sexual and reproductive choices that are right without fearing for their lives. This document highlights Ipas' efforts in protecting women's health and advancing women's reproductive rights worldwide. Since 1973, Ipas has dedicated its work to stopping the senseless deaths and injuries of women from unsafe abortion. Making a vision of universal access to safe abortion care a reality requires a multi-pronged approach. Hence, Ipas has developed multidisciplinary expertise in: 1) training; 2) research; 3) advocacy; and 4) informing stakeholders and communities and building support for safe abortion. This document highlights Ipas' intensive efforts in protecting women's health and advancing women's reproductive rights. It presents the organization's work in Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia, North America, and Europe.

Site web : http://www.ipas.org
Notes : Inglés/anglais/English, nbsp;(http://db.jhuccp.org/popinform/basic.html) - PIP 167978