
Barrig, Maruja

El aborto en debate: entrevistas a líderes de opinión nbsp;- nbsp;[Abortion in debate: interviews with opinion leaders]
Barrig, Maruja - 1993, Lima (Perú), Asociación SUMBI, 167

Mots clés : aspects psychologiques; attitudes; avortement illégal; avortement provoqué; collecte des données; communication; comportements; contraception d'urgence; déterminants; éducation au planning familial; enquête; enquêtes; facteurs psychologiques; loi sur l'avortement [changements]; méthodologie; planification familiale; planning familial; sources de connaissance
Pays / Régions : Amérique du Sud; Amérique latine; Pays en développement; Pérou

Résumé : 20 Peruvian opinion leaders selected to represent varying views and both sexes were interviewed in early 1993 concerning their feelings about abortion and possible liberalization of abortion laws. A major purpose of the work was to contribute to the public debate about abortion and its treatment in the new Constitution and Criminal Code. Among the opinion leaders interviewed were lawyers, politicians, elected officials, physicians, two Jesuit priests and a Maryknoll sister, heads of women's service organizations, feminists, and journalists. The interviews were presented in the form of questions and answers, with questions reflecting the profession or particular interests of the subject. Many of the questions examined the 1990 proposals to decriminalize abortion in the new criminal code under certain circumstances, and interpretations of events and arguments in that debate.

Notes : Español/espagnol/Spanish, nbsp;Abstract : Popline (http://db.jhuccp.org/popinform/basic.html) - PIP 094096