Article de revue

Fort, A. L.

El contexto social del aborto en la sierra y selva del Peru nbsp;- nbsp;[The social context of abortion in the mountains and forests of Peru]
Fort, A. L. - 1993 - Revista Peruana De Población, 3, 57-70

Mots clés : aspects psychologiques; attitudes; avortement illégal; avortement provoqué; classes sociales; comportements; contraception; contraception d'urgence; déterminants; éducation au planning familial; facteurs économiques; facteurs psychologiques; facteurs socio-économiques; focus group; planification familiale; planning familial; utilisation de la contraception
Pays / Régions : Amérique du Sud; Amérique latine; Pays en développement; Pérou

Résumé : In the past few years a greater openness to examination of the characteristics and consequences of abortion as a public health issue and as a social phenomenon has been evident in Peru. To study the attitudes and experiences regarding abortion of low income women living in squatter settlements, focus groups were organized in the Andean city of Cuzco and the Amazon city of Iquitos. The participating women were aged 15 to 49, married or in union, and had at least three living children. The women in each city were divided into three groups of modern contraceptive users, traditional contraceptive users, and nonusers of contraception. They were further divided into two age groups over and under 30 years old. Two focus groups were held for each age and contraception group in each city for a total of twelve sessions in each. A total of 173 women participated. The focus groups met in Iquitos in December 1986 and in Cuzco in March 1987. Younger users of modern contraception did not express approval of abortion but rather stressed its health risks and especially the belief that repeat abortions would lead to cancer. Contraceptive users over 30 and women in the other two groups cited health risks and moral condemnation, speaking in terms of crime, sin, and punishment. Some saw a distinction nevertheless between very early abortion and later abortions, which were disapproved. Some women expressed resentment at wealthier women who were suspected of using abortion to limit their family size. Women in both cities identified abortion seekers as predominantly young, unmarried, older, or multiparous. Private physicians and nurses were said to be the most frequent practitioners, although health workers of all kinds were mentioned. A wide variety of herbal preparations and abortifacients were mentioned, but doubt was expressed as to efficacy in some cases. Curettage was said to be performed by physicians but no details were given. Opinion was divided concerning the desirability of possible legalization of abortion. There was evident feeling that abortion should be used for special cases or emergencies, but that family planning should be the usual practice for fertility limitation.

Notes : Español/espagnol/Spanish, nbsp;Abstract : Popline ( - PIP 103043