Article de revue

González de León Aguirre, Deyanira

Los médicos y el aborto nbsp;- nbsp;[Physicians and abortion]
González de León Aguirre, Deyanira - 1994 - Salud Pública De Mexico, 37, 3, 248-55

Mots clés : aspects psychologiques; attitudes; avortement provoqué; comportements; contraception d'urgence; critique; éducation au planning familial; éthique; facteurs psychologiques; médecin; personnel de santé; planification familiale; planning familial; santé; soins à l'accouchement
Pays / Régions : Amérique du Nord; Amérique latine; Mexique; Pays en développement

Résumé : The position of physicians regarding induced abortion in Mexico deserves closer attention. The attitudes of physicians towards induced abortion have been a subject of study in different countries. It has been observed that such attitudes depend on ethical, religious, legal, political, or medical factors. In those countries where abortion is not penalized, physicians sustain different positions regarding this issue. The experiences of some countries indicate that the institutional provision of abortion services is a controversial and politically serious matter, and that offering or denying them generally depends to a great extent on the physician's discretion. In contexts like Mexico, where abortion is penalized, legal and other restrictions do not prevent many physicians from practicing it in a concealed way, generally for profit. On the other hand, even though abortion is recognized as an important social and public health problem, and laws regulate the conditions for its legal practice, the majority of medical professionals and health institutions maintain a conservative and reserved position on this matter. The professional training of physicians and the legal status of induced abortion as a criminal practice, are central elements in their attitudes towards this problem. (author's) (summaries in ENG, SPA)

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Notes : Español/espagnol/Spanish, nbsp;Abstract : Popline ( - PIP 111379