Article de revue

Bailey, Patricia E.; Bruno, Zenilda V.; Bezerra, Maria F.; Queiroz, Ivany; Oliveira, Cristiana M.; Chen Mok, Mario

Adolescents' Decision making and attitudes towards abortion in north-east Brazil nbsp;- nbsp;[Toma de decisiones y actitudes de los adolescentes hacia el aborto en el noreste de Brasil]
Bailey, Patricia E.; Bruno, Zenilda V.; Bezerra, Maria F.; Queiroz, Ivany; Oliveira, Cristiana M.; Chen Mok, Mario - 2003 - Journal of Biosocial Science, 35, 1, 71-82

Mots clés : adolescents; analyse de cohorte; analyse des données; aspects psychologiques; attitudes; avortement provoqué; caractéristiques de la population; collecte des données; comportements; contraception d'urgence; éducation au planning familial; enquête; enquête longitudinale; enquêtes; études; facteurs âge; facteurs démographiques; facteurs psychologiques; jeunesse; méthodologie; planification familiale; planning familial; population; prise de décision
Pays / Régions : Amérique du Sud; Amérique latine; Brésil; Pays en développement

Résumé : Three groups of adolescents are compared with regard to their own considerations of abortion and when they believe abortion is justified. One group of adolescents terminated their pregnancies (n=95), a second became pregnant and carried their pregnancies to term but considered abortion (n=68), and the third also carried their pregnancies to term but did not consider abortion (n=204). The study was carried out between 1995 and 1998 in Fortaleza, Brazil. Adolescents were interviewed at the time of their hospitalization or their first prenatal visit and again at 6 weeks and 1 year post-abortion or postpartum. Friends and family recommended abortion to at least half of the teenagers in each group. Teenagers who aborted were more accepting of abortion than those who did not abort, while those who considered abortion found the practice more justified than those who did not consider abortion. Teenagers who aborted became less accepting a year later, while those who did not consider abortion became more accepting. A better understanding of adolescent attitudes towards abortion and their decision making process should help adults and professionals meet the needs of adolescents for support in the process and in the reduction of the number of unintended pregnancies in the future. (author's)

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Notes : Inglés/anglais/English, nbsp;Abstract : Popline ( - PIP 174996