Artículo de revista

Casanueva, E.; Lisker, R.; Carnevale, A.; Alonso, E.

Attitudes of Mexican physicians toward induced abortion
Casanueva, E.; Lisker, R.; Carnevale, A.; Alonso, E. - 1997 - International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 56, 1, 47-52

Palabras claves : aborto inducido; actitudes; anticoncepción de emergencia; aspectos psicológicos; comportamientos; educación en planificación familiar; factores psicológicos; médicos; personal de salud; planificación familiar; salud; servicios de atención al parto
País : America Del Norte; América latina; Latina America; México; País en desarrollo

Resumen : 193 internists, pediatricians, gynecologists, and neurologists employed at one of four Mexican National Institutes of Health answered a self-administered questionnaire about their attitudes on induced abortion with normal fetuses and fetuses known to have an abnormality in various degrees. The majority of physicians were male, over age 35 years, religious, and without experience with genetic diseases. 20% of internists and pediatricians approved of abortion when pregnancy is normal. However, only 7% of gynecologists and neurologists were in agreement in such cases. Overall, 60% of the physicians sanctioned the abortion of a malformed fetus, and 80-90% agreed in cases of severe or lethal genetic disease. The physicians did not have consistent answers and agreement for abortion was influenced by religious values.

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Notes : Inglés/anglais/English, nbsp;Abstract : Popline ( - PIP 120572