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Freitas, Ángela

Abortion as a human right: possible strategies in unexplored territory
Freitas, Ángela - 2003 - Women's human rights: unfinished business, Santiago (Chile), Latin American and Caribbean Women's Health Network, 69-75

Palabras claves : aborto inducido; adulto; anticoncepción de emergencia; aspectos legales; aspectos religiosos; campaña 28 de septiembre; campañas; comportamiento sexual; comportamientos sexuales; decisiones corte; derechos humanos [mujeres]; derechos reproductivos; educación en planificación familiar; empoderamiento; factores políticos; feminismo; legislación; legislación del aborto; metodología; mujer; planificación familiar; recomendaciones; religión
País : América latina; Asia; Europa; Latina America; País desarrollado; País en desarrollo; Países desarrollados

Resumen : Women's struggle for the right to terminate an unwanted or mistimed pregnancy through access to safe, dignified abortion services is currently at a crossroads. Today, we need empowered actions based on effective strategies, permanent coordination of our efforts and a great deal of political will. Towards the end of the 1970s and through the early 1980s when the feminist movement unfurled this political banner, our discourse focused on criticizing the criminalization of abortion which leads to the inhumane treatment of women who have resorted to clandestine abortions. This approach led to a criticism aimed at governments for failing to fulfill their obligation to respect women's rights to life, liberty, and to control their own bodies, a perspective not yet explored by in formal jurisprudence. (excerpt)

Notes : Inglés/anglais/English, nbsp;Abstract : Popline ( - PIP 180989