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Billings, Deborah; Castañeda Camey, Xochitl; Romero Guerrero, X.; Blanco Muñoz, Julia; Saldana Rivera, A.; Chambers, Virginia M.; Voorduin, Patricia

Traditional midwives and postabortion care services in Morelos, Mexico
Billings, Deborah; Castañeda Camey, Xochitl; Romero Guerrero, X.; Blanco Muñoz, Julia; Saldana Rivera, A.; Chambers, Virginia M.; Voorduin, Patricia - 1999 - Postabortion care: lessons from operations research, New York (USA), Population Council, 159-77

Palabras claves : complicaciones del aborto; mujer; parteras; personal de salud; reproducción; salud; salud reproductiva [mujeres]; servicios de atención al parto; tratamiento
País : America Del Norte; América latina; Latina America; México; País en desarrollo

Resumen : Traditional midwives play an important role in women's reproductive health in Mexico, in both rural and urban areas. However, little effort has been put forth to incorporate them into the process of ensuring that women receive prompt postabortion care. The project described in this article addresses the issue of unsafe abortion with traditional midwives, and provides training that can improve the ability to stabilize and refer women seeking treatment for abortion complications. Research results regarding traditional midwives' understanding of and practices surrounding abortion and abortion care indicates negative attitudes among midwives toward women with abortion complications, whether from induced or spontaneous abortion. However, the training course provided in the project has been successful in broadening the discussion on abortion and abortion complications among midwives and hospital-based providers, and in recognizing the terminology and practices that midwives use when women with abortion complications seek treatment from them. In conclusion, programs and training interventions should address negative attitudes surrounding the issue of abortion, particularly in postabortion care.

Notes : Inglés/anglais/English, nbsp;Abstract : Popline ( - PIP 147375