Capítulo de libro

Ehrenfeld, Noemí

Female adolescents at the crossroads: sexuality, contraception and abortion in Mexico
Ehrenfeld, Noemí - 1999 - Abortion in the developing world, London England, Zed Books, 368-86

Palabras claves : aborto ilegal; aborto inducido; adolescencia; adolescentes; anticoncepción; anticoncepción de emergencia; características de la población; comportamiento reproductivo; comportamiento sexual; comportamientos; comportamientos reproductivos; comportamientos sexuales; determinantes; educación en planificación familiar; embarazo no planeado; embarazo no previsto; factores de edad; factores demográficos; factores económicos; factores socioeconómicos; fecundidad; juventud; mujeres; planificación familiar; población; sexualidad preconyugal; toma de decisiones; uso de anticonceptivos; uso de anticonceptivos (determinantes)
País : America Del Norte; América latina; Latina America; México; País en desarrollo

Resumen : This study sought to identify the determinants of the decision to continue or interrupt an unplanned pregnancy among adolescents 12-19 years old, by examining the circumstances and sociocultural conditions underlying such a decision. The study sample, gathered using the quota system, included 72 adolescent girls who requested services related to their pregnancies at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic of the Hospital General Dr. Manual Gea Gonzales, Mexico City. Generally, mothers and boyfriends were the two most influential figures when a girl was faced with deciding whether to continue with the pregnancy or to have an abortion. A very significant factor in the Decision making process for low-income girls was her economic situation. Economic constraints lead girls to make several unsuccessful self-induced attempts at abortion, which include strong injections; injections of Metrigen; tea infusions of spices such as oregano and cinnamon; and infusions of xoapactle. From the findings, provision of sexual and reproductive health education, family planning programs, and medical training and hospital services are essential in reducing unwanted pregnancies and abortions.

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Notes : Inglés/anglais/English, nbsp;Abstract : Popline ( - PIP 156356