
Ferrando, Delicia

Improving the treatment of incomplete abortion and postabortion family planning in Peru
Ferrando, Delicia - 1999 - Evaluation Notes: Pathfinder International, Watertown Massachusetts, Pathfinder International, 2

Palabras claves : aborto incompleto; aborto inducido; anticoncepción de emergencia; educación; educación en planificación familiar; evaluación; planificación familiar; programa de formación; programas; programas de planificación familiar; programas postaborto; tratamiento
País : America del Sur; America Del Sur; América latina; Latina America; País en desarrollo; Perú; Sudamérica

Resumen : In October 1998, Pathfinder undertook an evaluation study of the Pathfinder/Ministry of Health postabortion care project in six participating hospitals in Peru. The study assessed the impact of training, postabortion family planning acceptance, and client satisfaction. Furthermore, it also examined institutional issues as whether or not trainees were still using the new skills they had learned. Evaluators interviewed 38 physicians and 24 nurses and midwives, observed 16 physicians performing the manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) procedures, and observed the counseling skills of 6 nurses/midwives. Evaluators also conducted interviews with 46 clients. Results revealed that MVA was used to treat incomplete abortion, that there was availability of family planning services in all participating hospitals, and that there was a change of staff attitude towards postabortion patients (93%), with 48% treating patients with respect while 37% paid more attention to clients. On the other hand, 24% of postabortion patients were using a family planning method at the time of their pregnancy, with an increase in contraceptive acceptance from 0 to 43% (pill, 45%; injectable and IUD, 20%). Several reasons were cited for contraceptive rejection: assurance of recovery (35%); not being offered contraception (35%); unavailability of and lack of information about family planning (15%). The majority of clients were satisfied with the program. This evaluation reveals a significant improvement in the delivery of postabortion services, with plans of future expansion of the project to 20 more hospitals.

Notes : Inglés/anglais/English, nbsp;Abstract : Popline ( - PIP 147306