Capítulo de libro

Molina, Ramiro; Pereda, Cristian; Cumsille, Francisco; Martínez Oliva, Luis; Miranda, Eduardo; Molina, Temistocles

Prevention of pregnancy in high-risk women: community intervention in Chile
Molina, Ramiro; Pereda, Cristian; Cumsille, Francisco; Martínez Oliva, Luis; Miranda, Eduardo; Molina, Temistocles - 1999 - Abortion in the developing world, London England, Zed Books, 57-77

Palabras claves : aborto inducido; análisis de datos; anticoncepción; anticoncepción de emergencia; educación en planificación familiar; encuesta sobre aborto; metodología; planificación familiar; programas de planificación familiar; tasa de aborto; tasas de aborto; uso de anticonceptivos; uso de anticonceptivos (determinantes)
País : America del Sur; America Del Sur; América latina; Chile; Latina America; País en desarrollo; Sudamérica

Resumen : The main objective of this study is to test the hypothesis that by improving family planning services, and by focusing them on women identified as having a high risk of induced abortion, it is possible to achieve a significant reduction in abortion rates in areas known for their high abortion incidence. Samples were selected and interviewed from three low-income area of northern Santiago: 1613 women in Pincoya, 1620 in Cortijo, and 1674 in Quinta Bella. Data collected were analyzed using multivariate analysis. Overall, this study demonstrated that increasing the prevalence of contraceptive use among women identified as having a high abortion risk does reduce its incidence. More personalized family planning services, in association with risk detection, can succeed in lowering abortion. The population who received the benefit of the full intervention and who subsequently increased their use of effective contraception showed the clearest decline in abortion rates. An effective intervention of improved family planning services with personalized inputs, directed at women with high risk of abortion, can be successful in lowering abortion incidence in populations of low socioeconomic status, especially in contexts where abortion is illegal.

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Notes : Inglés/anglais/English, nbsp;Abstract : Popline ( - PIP 156339