Capítulo de libro

Mundigo, Axel I.; Shah, Iqbal H.

Policy Impact of Abortion Research
Mundigo, Axel I.; Shah, Iqbal H. - 1999 - Abortion in the developing world, New Delhi, World Health Organization [WHO], 477-488

Palabras claves : aborto inducido; anticoncepción de emergencia; barreras; costo; costos; educación en planificación familiar; encuesta sobre aborto; estudio de caso; estudios; estudios de caso; factores políticos; metodología; planificación familiar; políticas de desarrollo; revisión de la literatura; tratamientos (costos)
País : Mundo

Resumen : Globally, abortion continues to be a very controversial issue; many and diverse points of view about it are argued in public debates. This paper provides case studies where social science research, conducted on the issue of induced abortion, has resulted in major impact for policy utilization. Moreover, it provides new light on what the reality of abortion means under different social, legal, and political contexts. It is noted that barriers to conducting research on induced abortion are many and range from institutional hostility to women's refusal to answer questions concerning the issue. However, findings obtained by the case studies indicate that induced abortion is not restricted to adolescents facing unwanted pregnancy but occurs equally within marriage to limit family size. It is also clear that induced abortion exists both in contexts where family planning programs are strong as well as where they are weak or nonexistent. In other contexts, where contraceptive choices are limited, abortion forms part of fertility regulation strategies that include a mix of traditional and modern methods, often used ineffectively. Unsafe clandestine abortions are more likely to be sought by poorer, less-educated women, and also by adolescents. The studies dealing with providers' perspectives point to the cost in both human and financial resources of treating abortion complications that drain hospital budgets unnecessarily.

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Notes : Inglés/anglais/English, nbsp;Abstract : Popline ( - PIP 156361