Capítulo de libro

Paiewonsky, Denise

Social determinants of induced abortion in the Dominican Republic
Paiewonsky, Denise - 1999 - Abortion in the developing world, London (England), Zed Books, 131-50

Palabras claves : aborto ilegal; aborto inducido; anticoncepción; anticoncepción de emergencia; demandantes de aborto; determinantes; educación en planificación familiar; encuesta sobre aborto; factores económicos; factores socioeconómicos; planificación familiar; programas de planificación familiar; programas postaborto; uso de anticonceptivos; uso de anticonceptivos (determinantes)
País : America Del Norte; América latina; Caribe; El Caribe; Latina America; País en desarrollo; República Dominicana

Resumen : This study aims to provide the medical, research, and public health communities with reliable information concerning some aspects of the abortion situation in the Dominican Republic, where induced abortion is illegal under any circumstances, including rape and incest, yet rarely prosecuted. Specifically, this study explores the possible impact of some basic social determinants on certain factors related to the Decision making process connected with abortion. The social determinants selected were age, education, marital status, household situation and the occupational status of both the woman and her husband. The study was conducted in two large maternity hospitals in Santo Domingo, between March and May of 1992. The data were collected through structured interviews with abortion patients seeking services, mostly for post-abortion complications. Overall, it was found that mostly young, married women with children, who have completed childbearing and have at some time worked outside the home, are the ones seeking treatment for abortion complications. However, their occupational status shows no significant association with their reproductive behaviors, and surprisingly, neither does their educational level. Analysis of the data on contraception provides the most suggestive findings. The number of women obtaining family planning services has dropped dramatically, indicating the need for integrated health and family planning services covering postpartum and post-abortion care. These findings demonstrate an urgent need for the implementation of a national abortion prevention program.

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Notes : Inglés/anglais/English, nbsp;Abstract : Popline ( - PIP 156343