Artículo de revista

Ferdinand, Luciano Dinys

Reproductive rights and abortion in the Dominican Republic: lost battles and lessons learned
Ferdinand, Luciano Dinys - 2000 - Sexual Health Exchange, 4, 8-9

Palabras claves : aborto ilegal; anticoncepción de emergencia; aspectos legales; derechos humanos; derechos reproductivos; determinantes; educación en planificación familiar; mujer; planificación familiar
País : America Del Norte; América latina; Caribe; El Caribe; Latina America; País en desarrollo; República Dominicana

Resumen : In the Dominican Republic, pregnancy termination is illegal under any condition, even when a woman's life is at risk. According to a 1994 estimate, one woman in 30 had had an abortion. The annual number of abortions for that year was 82,500, which translates to 43.7 women per 1000. In 1992, 16,500 women obtained hospital treatment for abortion complications. In the last 15 years, some Dominican women's organizations have tried to change legal restrictions on induced abortion. Due to internal and external factors, however, advocacy efforts have failed and the issue of abortion has become a quixotic struggle. (author's)

Notes : Inglés/anglais/English, nbsp;Abstract : Popline ( - PIP 156748