Artículo de revista

Women's Health Journal

Peruvian government attempts to take control of women's bodies nbsp;- nbsp;El gobierno peruano intenta controlar el cuerpo de las mujeres
Women's Health Journal - 2003 - Women's Health Journal, 2, 35-39

Palabras claves : aborto ilegal; aborto inducido; anticoncepción de emergencia; derechos humanos; derechos reproductivos; determinantes; educación en planificación familiar; factores políticos; gobierno; legislación; mujer; planificación familiar; política; política de salud; políticas de salud
País : America del Sur; America Del Sur; América latina; Latina America; País en desarrollo; Perú; Sudamérica

Resumen : Peruvian health officials chose mock the annual celebration of International Women's Health Day in Peru this May by taking steps to severely restrict women's reproductive choices and personal freedoms. The first action -a policy approved by the former Minister of Health Fernando Carbone on May 27- regulates the structure and roles of state- and district-level health departments. Among other things, these regulations require women to register their pregnancies "from the moment of conception." The second action involves draft legislation released by the Ministryof Health (Moll) May 29 and intended to replace Peru's existing General Health Law.2 To become law, this bill must be approved by the Congressional Health Committee and then passed by the Peruvian Congress. The bill seeks to limit reproductive rights in a variety of ways, including by conferring legal rights on fertilized eggs from the too merit of conception. (excerpt)

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Notes : Inglés/anglais/English, nbsp;popline 186434