
Claire, Marion

Interruptions volontaires de grossesses en Guadeloupe: Qui, où, quand, comment
Claire, Marion - 2003 - Info santé n°13, DRESS, 279, 13-18

Palabras claves : aborto inducido; anticoncepción de emergencia; biología; comunicación; educación en planificación familiar; estudios; estudios prospectivos; fisiología; hormonas; medicamentos abortivos; metodología; misoprostol; planificación familiar; prostaglandinas; ru-486
País : America Del Norte; Caribe; El Caribe; Guadalupe; País en desarrollo

Resumen : This paper presents a prospective study of home administration and a one-treatment-visit regimen of mifepristone-misoprostol for medical abortion in Guadeloupe. The administration of this contraceptive method usually requires a standard 3-clinic visit regimen, which would sometimes lead to discontinuation of the abortion process. The study consisted of 92 medical abortion cases conducted over a 13-month period. The intervention involved a 1-day treatment visit with patients receiving 600 mg of mifepristone and instructions on ingesting 2 tablets (400 mcg) of misoprostol orally after 2 days and another 200 mcg misoprostol if bleeding had not occurred within 6-12 hours. A follow-up was conducted among these women after 10-15 days of initial clinic visit and contraceptive administration. The total success rate was 95.4% in comparison with those who received a 3-clinic visit regimen and the statistical result of a study conducted in the US. Several adverse effects have been associated with the administration of abortive methods, which include bleeding (19.6% in mifepristone users and 68.2% in misoprostol users) and vomiting. Strict monitoring of mifepristone and misoprostol distribution and patient follow-up was ensured by French legislators. The authors conclude that home administration of misoprostol must be made available to women in developing countries.

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Notes : Inglés/anglais/English, nbsp;Abstract : Popline ( - PIP 147247