Artículo de revista

International Projects Assistance Services (IPAS); Secretariat of Health

Contruyendo el Acceso de las Mujeres a los Servicios de Interrupción Legal del Embarazo en los Casos de Violación nbsp;- nbsp;[Building women's access to abortion services in cases of rape]
International Projects Assistance Services (IPAS); Secretariat of Health - 2002 - Boletín, 1

Resumen : Developed by Ipas Mexico and the Secretariat of Health in Mexico City, this bulletin, currently available only in Spanish, summarizes a strategy for equipping facilities in general and maternal-child health hospitals to provide abortion for legal indications and key experiences to date implementing this strategy in Mexico City. The article includes results of a questionnaire surveying various hospital-based health care providers' knowledge and opinions about legal abortion and violence, as well as inquiring about their training and experiences related to these subjects. Finally, the bulletin describes a comprehensive health care model for women who are victims of violence. (February 2002)

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Notes : Español/espagnol/Spanish