Artículo de revista


Constitution of the Republic of Paraguay. Excerpts. 20 June 1992
Paraguay - 1993 - Constitutions of the Countries of the World, 1-3, 6-25

Palabras claves : aborto inducido; anticoncepción de emergencia; constitución; derechos humanos; educación en planificación familiar; legislación; legislación del aborto; planificación familiar; política; política familiar; política social
País : America del Sur; America Del Sur; América latina; Latina America; País en desarrollo; Paraguay; Sudamérica

Resumen : This document contains major provisions of Paraguay's 1992 Constitution. Highlighted portions include article 4, which protects the right to life from the time of conception; article 6, which notes that the state will promote research on population factors and their links with socioeconomic development, preservation of the environment, and quality of life; article 7, which expresses the right to a healthy environment; article 33, which makes personal and family privacy inviolable and exempts individual behavior "that does not affect public order" from public authority; articles 46-48, which hold that all persons are equal, set guarantees for equality, and specify that the state will create conditions to make equal rights for men and women "true and effective"; article 50, which codifies the right to constitute a family; article 53, which provides that parents must care for children; and article 61, which recognizes the right of people to decide on family size and birth spacing and calls for implementation of special plans to ensure reproductive health and maternal-child health care for low-income people. Additional articles describe rights to education, to the protection of health, and employment rights, including the prohibition of discrimination against workers because of race, sex, age, religion, social status, or political or union preference and a provision that affords women maternity leave of at least 12 weeks. Other articles outline the objectives of agrarian reform and rural development.

Notes : Inglés/anglais/English, nbsp;Abstract : Popline ( - PIP 087067