Artículo de revista


Women and family planning. "Now I will tell my daughters
Network - 1994 - Network, 15, 1, 26

Palabras claves : aborto inducido; anticoncepción; anticoncepción de emergencia; complicaciones; educación en planificación familiar; factores económicos; factores socioeconómicos; familia y hogar; familla; fracasos de anticoncepción; ingresos; método del calendario; métodos comportamientales; nivel de ingreso; planificación familiar; ritmo; tamaño deseado de familia; tamaño familia; uso de anticonceptivos; uso de anticonceptivos (determinantes)
País : America del Sur; America Del Sur; América latina; Bolivia; Latina America; País en desarrollo; Sudamérica

Resumen : A Bolivian woman with three daughters became pregnant while practicing the rhythm method. Method failure occurred seven years after she bore her most recent child and prompted her, with her husband's consent, to obtain an unsafe abortion. The decision to abort the fetus was based upon her husband's lack of employment, the meager monthly income of US$45 which she earns, and the inability of her to continue working once pregnant. The abortion process consisted of a three-hour scraping/general cleaning which left the woman dizzy. She returned to the physician several days later, bloated and in pain, when the possibility of a perforated uterus was voiced and surgery conducted. The woman regrets having the abortion, for the couple wanted to bear a fourth child once they could afford it.

Notes : Inglés/anglais/English, nbsp;Abstract : Popline ( - PIP 099844