
Villarreal Mejía, Jorge; Mora Téllez, Margoth

Embarazo indeseado y aborto. Determinantes de la interrupción del embarazo no deseado y características de las mujeres que abortan. nbsp;- nbsp;[Unwanted pregnancy and abortion. Determinants of termination of unwanted pregnancy and characteristics of women who abort. 2nd ed.]
Villarreal Mejía, Jorge; Mora Téllez, Margoth - 1992, Bogotá (Colombia), Orientame, 2da ed., 48

Keywords : abortion survey; age factors; contraception; contraceptive usage; demographic factors; family and household; family characteristics; family planning; family size; fertility; induced abortion; population; population characteristics; postconception fertility control
Countries : Colombia; Developing Countries; Latin America; South America

Abstract : 602 women treated between October 1990 and January 1991 for incomplete abortion at a reproductive health center in Bogota were interviewed for a descriptive study of the reproductive behavior of women who seek abortion. The women ranged in age from 16 to 48 years (average age, 27 years). 91% were urban. The women were better educated and more were economically active than in the general population. 61% were sexually active before age 19. The average number of pregnancies for the group was 2.9, of which 1.8 were unwanted. Unwanted pregnancies were more common in women who became sexually active at an early age, older women, and in those with more children. The average number of abortions was higher among women who lived with their partners and among those in stable relationships over a period of time. The study women had an average of 1.4 children each and an ideal family size of 2.3. 43% wanted no more children. Only 26% had been in the relationship for less than one year at the time of the abortion. 14% considered their relationship poor and 27% deemed it average. Only 14% who wanted no more children used an effective contraceptive method. Lack of knowledge about human reproduction and fear of side effects impeded effective contraceptive usage. 87% had some prior use of contraception. But only 57.5% were using any method when they became pregnant and only 12% used modern methods. 43% of the women aborting did not use contraception, and 36% who used contraception did not know the correct use. 15% made the abortion decision without telling the partner about the pregnancy. 52% of the partners strongly opposed carrying the pregnancy to term.

Notes : Español/espagnol/Spanish, nbsp;Abstract : Popline ( - PIP 160406