
This CD-Rom was realised by Agnès Guillaume thanks to IPAS’ support for the consultative meeting “Linking Research to Action to Reduce Unsafe Abortion in Sub-Saharian Africa : A Regional Consultation” (March 20th to 23rd 2006, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). This meeting is co-organised with the Guttmacher Institute, Reproductive Health Research Unit (RHRU) in South Africa, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) in Kenya, Ethiopian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and Women’s Health and Action Research Center (WHARC) in Nigeria.

This CD-Rom continues with the publication realised by Agnès Guillaume in 2004 entitled  “Abortion in Africa : a Review of Litterature from the 1990’s to the Present Day” also published on CD-Rom and on the web site in french and in english.

This publication contains an interactive bibliographical database from 1990 ton 2005. The objective of this review of literature is to assess people’s knowledge of abortion in Africa, a poorly documented subject about which little is known.

Our publication will only deal with the issue of induced abortion, i.e. abortion caused by a deliberate action on the part of the woman in question or another person in order to terminate her pregnancy. A large part of the material we are reviewing is devoted to unsafe abortion - i.e. abortion carried out under unhygienic and unsafe conditions by medical staff with varying levels of qualification – which therefore carries heavy consequences for the health of women.

Our bibliography is made up of a review of literature taken from the 1990s to the present day, and is essentially based on research carried out using thematic social science and medical databases, as well as other collected documentation.

The aim of this bibliography is to present a wide collection of published material on the issue of abortion from both journal articles and books, but also from grey literature such as various types of written reports, theses, unpublished conference papers, working papers etc.

This review does not claim to be exhaustive, but is trying to provide a general overview of the issue in order to determine its importance and to show the limits of the relevant data available.

It includes both publications principally devoted to the subject of abortion where the word "abortion" appears in the title, and certain publications where abortion is simply touched on in the article in question as part of a wider study on contraception, maternal mortality, reproductive health, and policies and programmes on reproductive health, etc. The choice was made to include publications not solely devoted to abortion in light of the scarcity of data on this subject in certain countries.

Certain references do not specifically concern the African continent but have been included in the bibliography because they provide interesting information and comments on legislation, methodology, health programmes and so on, such as surveys on sensitive subject.


A bibliographical database that references :

- the author’s name,

- the year of publication,

- the title,

- the sort of publication : review, book, book’s chapter, report, grey literature, thesis...,

- an abstract from the databases, author or ourselves in english most of the time but also sometimes in french,

- keywords by theme and country or place,

- the full text in pdf or html format when we had the agreement of the editors or authors,

- the document’s source with a link to download if this reference (or its abstract and sometimes full text) is free of charge,

A search engine will help you finding one or several keywords in the bibliography and text. A schedule of keywords in french and in english is available.

This database contains about 1 000 titles.

Data sources

This information was compiled from databases, journals and material gathered by various institutions.



- Medline :

Other databases were used but are not mentioned here as they are not accessible to the public.

Information centres

- Centre Population et Développement (CePeD) (Centre for Population and Development) en France:

The Ceped also hosts the website POPCAM "Population et développement au Cameroun" (Population and Development in Cameroon):

- INED - Institut National d’Études Démographiques (National Institute of Demographic Studies):,

- IRD - Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (Institute for Research and Development):

- Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine (Belgium):

- London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK):

- National Library of Medicine (USA):


A systematic breakdown of a number of journals from which abstracts, and sometimes certain articles, may be downloaded:

- Archives of Ibadan Medicine:

- African Journal of Reproductive Health: and
Some articles of this journal are accessible in pdf or HTML starting from their reference in the database.

- BJOG: an International Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynaecology:
Some articles of this journal are accessible in pdf or HTML starting from their reference in the database.

- Central African Journal of Medicine:

- Contraception:

- East African Medical Journal:

- Ethiopian Journal of Health Development:
Some articles of this journal are accessible in pdf or HTML starting from their reference in the database.

- Gender and Behaviour:

- Institute of African Studies:

- International Family Planning Perspectives:
This journal is available on CD-rom from the years 1990 to 1999. Some articles of this journal are accessible in pdf or HTML starting from their reference in the database.

- Journal of Biosocial Science: . Some articles of this journal are accessible in pdf or HTML starting from their reference in the database.

- Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé:

- The Lancet:

- Les cahiers de santé of AUF "Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie" (Academic bureau of French speaking Nations):

- Médecine d'Afrique Noire:

- Population:
Some articles of this journal are accessible in pdf or HTML starting from their reference in the database.

- Reproductive Health Matters:
Some articles of this journal are accessible in pdf or HTML starting from their reference in the database.

- Social Science and Medicine:

- South African Medical Journal: and
Some articles of this journal are accessible in pdf or HTML starting from their reference in the database.

- Studies in Family Planning:
Some articles of this journal are accessible in pdf or HTML starting from their reference in the database.

- Tropical Doctor:

- Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology:

- West African Journal of Medicine:

Other data sources

Most of these sources will be mentioned and summarised in the bibliography. A number of them may be accessed online as follows:

- "The Monograph on complication of unsafe abortion in Africa": a bibliography with accompanying commentary on abortion in Africa, with a particular emphasis on East Africa:

- The Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI), which produces numerous publications and syntheses on the issue of abortion, notably "Sharing responsibility: women, society and abortion worldwide"

- The website of the United Nations Population Division, which publishes information on abortion legislation around the world:

- World Health Organisation publications such as "Abortion in the developing world and Unsafe abortion", "Unsafe abortion. Global and regional estimates of incidence and mortality due to unsafe abortion with a listing of available country data":

- The Population Council, which that publishes reports on reproductive health and abortion:

- The websites AJOL and Bioline which have african journals online: and

- The publication of Ceped "Abortion in Africa: a Review of Litterature from the 1990's to the Present Day":

- The websites " Santé tropicale " (Tropical Health): and " Santé du Maghreb " (health in the Maghreb)

- The Library of Congress Online Catalogue:

- IPAS which publishes studies on abortion and postabortion care:

- Pathfinder International:

- Population and Health Infoshare:

- Postabortion Care Consortium (PAC):


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